Wednesday, November 4, 2009


I love Halloween decorations and as many of you know, I suffer from OCDD - Obsessional Compulsive Decorating Disorder.  Whenever I have any sort of decorations to put up I literally cannot sleep at night because I'm thinking of where everything should go and what things I need to buy to complete my decor.  I'm dead serious when I say I really have a problem.  I mean, who cares where my Halloween decorations go?  Is there anyone else in the world who lays awake at night debating whether a ceramic pumpkin should be put on the mantel or on the kitchen counter?  Like I said, it's truly a disease.  So, in order to help myself (and my family who has to live with my insanity) I decided to take pictures of where I put everything so I don't have to try to remember or re-think it next year.  I decided to share it with you, although I know it would've been a lot more fun if I'd put the pictures up BEFORE Halloween to get everybody in the mood.  I'll try to do that with my Christmas decor, though, how's that?

We'll start outside and then tour through the house.  

Here's one of the two wreaths I semi-made for our two front doors.  I bought them for $5 on clearance last year at Walmart and then took all the stuff off I didn't like and added stuff I did.

I made these little guys...

...and hung them on our chandelier along with the balls Cole and I made last year.

I added lots of candles and a few more skeletons for a spooky effect on Halloween.

Dining room table.

My friend gave me this door she bought at a garage sale and didn't want anymore.  The backside had a tons of hooks to hang pictures off of.  I didn't really have a place to hang it on my wall, but thought it'd look great as a Halloween prop.

Thanks for touring my home with me and helping me with my OCDD!


Unknown said...

I love your decorations!!! Great idea to take pictures of where everything goes!

I think I have a mild case of the disease. Probably more like a disorder. I love holiday decorations.

Jilly Bean said...

Love it all!

Amy and the boys said...

HA! Put me in that OCD category. I love these shots. Thanks for sharing. I hate taking it all down so soon and then waiting a few weeks and THEN doing Christmas. Doesn't last long enough!

Capturing Joy with Kristen Duke said...

You may have more halloween decor than me. I am shocked when people tell me they have nothing. I LOVE getting into the holidays! Halloween is one of my favorites! I love it, thanks for sharing, I love the balls you and Cole made last year...and the pics of each kid as a baby.

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! Those are so cute!! I think OCDD must run in the family...

Bonnie Wayne said...

I love halloween decore. I LOVE your old door idea - that is so clever. Also - love the candlesticks :)