(When it was Cole’s turn to answer the questions he complained, “But I don’t want to answer these questions again! They give me a headache!”)
1. What is something dad always says to you?
Claire - “Clee Clee”
Cole - he makes a fort for me
2. What makes dad happy?
Claire - a hug
Cole - when I clean the dishes for him
3. What makes dad sad?
Claire - when he cries
Cole - when I don’t obey
4. How does your dad make you laugh?
Claire - funny jokes
Cole - when he says silly things (hee, hee)
5. What was your dad like as a child?
Claire - always followed Uncle Ben around
Cole - I bet he loved his mommy
6. How old is your dad?
Claire - 31
Cole - 70, but don’t write that! Write how old he really is!
7. How tall is your dad?
Claire - 14 inches
Cole - taller than mommy
8. What is his favorite thing to do?
Claire - play with the kids
Cole - play with me
9. What does your dad do when you're not around?
Claire - go to work
Cole - work
10. If your dad becomes famous, what will it be for?
Claire - to get more money
Cole - make money
11. What is your dad really good at?
Claire - telling funny jokes
Cole - making forts
12. What is your dad not very good at?
Claire - art
Cole - lifting up a chair
13. What does your dad do for a job?
Claire - He works at PetSmart
Cole - helps pets
14.What is your dad's favorite food?
Claire - strawberries with chocolate dipped in it
Cole - chicken
15.What makes you proud of your dad?
Claire - I don’t know! Just write dad
Cole - cuz he does nice things for me
16. If your dad were a Cartoon character, who would he be?
Claire - a good guy
Cole - Iron Man
17. What do you and your dad do together?
Claire - That’s a tricky question! Play!
Cole - Make forts
18. How are you and your dad the same?
Claire - We both don’t like chocolate too much
Cole - Cuz we both have skinny arms
19. How are you and your dad different?
Claire - My dad doesn’t have a star belly button like me
Cole - Well, he has different eyes than me
20. How do you know your dad loves you?
Claire -Too tricky! He buys me presents
Cole - He draws me hearts
21. How do you know that your dad loves your mom?
Claire - What did I say last time? Oh yeah, go on dates
Cole - Can you tell me the answer? He loves you!
22. Where is your dad’s favorite place to go?
Claire - Cooking class? No, Disneyland!
Cole - Toys R Us