Sunday, February 28, 2010

A Scooby Birthday

Ava turned three this past November and we had a Scooby Doo party at the park.

I was pretty pleased with how my Scooby Doo cake turned out.

So was Ava!

My friend made this awesome Scooby Doo backpack and filled it with bone crayons she had her friend make, a notepad she made out of Scooby Doo fruit snacks, and Scooby Snacks. She is way too cute and creative!

Ava's favorite present was the Scooby Doo figurines!


Kerstin said...

pretty happy with the cake? what about completely proud of the mad cake skills you have!

Unknown said...

She looks so old- and I can't believe she still loves scooby do- that's been a long obsession! So cute.

Anonymous said...

Ooohhh! She looks so cute! That widdo grin she has... lol it makes me laugh every time i see it! =)

RSP said...

I just want to pinch her! Love the party!

mindy said...

Aw, I love Ava. I'd love to have a little girl just like her, complete with the Scooby obsession. I am a big fan of Scooby myself.

Shannon said...

that is too cute! Happy birthday beautiful girl! We love you!