Tuesday, May 3, 2011

how tweet

i know i broke my promise to blog every week, but we had things in are family that we had to focus on and blogging legitimately needed to be put aside. however, hopefully these cute easter pictures will help you forgive me.

this is owen, kate's betrothed.


  1. Fun pictures! And Kate totally looks like Grant in that last one.

  2. I so love these pictures! I saw some on Janae's blog, too. Totally adorable.

  3. I'm in love!! You guys doing okay? I meant to call for Grant's bday...obviously missed that one. Hope you are well. I left a message on your cell a few days ago. Just missing you friend. Hope you are doing well!! Love you.

  4. seriously adorable! I hope things are going okay. ((hugs))

  5. those chicks are so cute! how creative!
