Monday, February 7, 2011

Wonderful One!

Yes, I'm back to blogging. In fact, I'm going to TRY (key word) to post every week this year. We'll see how I do. I know there's a lot of doubters out there...

So, our sweet little Kate turned one a couple of weeks ago! She is the first one of my babies to actually eat the cupcake and make a mess. She's actually different than the other three in lots of ways. The first sign was that she started crawling two months before any of the others. And shortly after that she would not, under any circumstances, hold still while her diaper was changed. I know that's common, but not for my babies. Mine would always just lay there while I changed them. Since she's crawled I haven't been able to get her to drink her bottle unless she's in her crib because she won't sit still long enough to drink it, which is again different from the other three. Another difference is that she will take off to go explore. The other day I set her up by our house while I was doing something in the yard. Within two minutes Ava yelled, "Mom! Kate is in the street!" and sure enough, Kate had crawled all the way from the front of our house down to the street in no time flat. Again, I know that's normal for other babies, but none of my other three would ever have done that. They always pretty much stayed by me. She might be the first one I have to really talk with about "stranger danger" cuz she does not seem to be as clingy as the other three and just might love introducing herself to people she doesn't know! It'll be interesting to see how she blossoms into her own little self. She is already saying, "Daddy," "hi," and "cheese" (her favorite food) and although she is our tiniest baby yet (and that's saying something) she has definitely started to express her own feelings and opinions to everyone. When she went to her first doctor's appointment at two weeks old the doctor had said, "Oh, wow! She's an active one! You can tell she's gonna be feisty!" I didn't really believe him and forgot he'd said that until the past few months when she's become so active and vocal. I remembered his words and thought maybe he did actually know what he was talking about! Her favorite discovery as of late is a high-pitched scream that we call her "banshee scream." I guess when you're the fourth child and so teeny tiny, you have to find a way to be heard! She is such a doll and we can't imagine our family without her!

Here are many pics of her on her birthday:

We love you Kate-a-rooni!


  1. Glad you're back. I love your pics of your kiddos (AND of your house and fabulous parties)!

  2. I love it! I love the one when she is bent over in half with both hands to the side and just using mouth only to get that cupcake. So sweet!
