Friday, November 21, 2008

Freak of Nature

No, not Edward Cullen. Me, because I'm obsessed and going to see Twilight again tonight with my husband (not, it hasn't even been 24 hours since I just saw it). I love Grant for feeding my addiction.

I ended up seeing the movie three times in one week.  I liked it more each time I saw it.  The first time I was comparing it to the book.  The other two times I could just enjoy it for what it was on it's own.  

I haven't seen it again as a very deliberate and conscious decision because I was becoming too obsessed (again) and spending all day on the internet looking up anything to do with Twilight, Rob Pattinson, Kristin Stewart or Stephenie Meyers and neglecting the three humans who depend on me for survival.  So I had to quit.  It was basically the same as going cold turkey for an alcoholic.  I can't just have one drink every week or so if I want to be sane!  So, for now I'm completely sober.  We'll see if I stay that way...


  1. uh oh, methinks Cassidy has found her new Titanic. :o) Have fun!

  2. don't worry, I'm a freak too, for twilight of course. although I have only seen it once :)

  3. Go for it! Cassidy. That's awesome. I saw it once and I can wait till it comes out on DVD. I love the books and Edward Cullen as well. I want my own vampire to lay with me all night long. Mark feels more like (Jacob) the hot, sweaty wolf!! Don't tell him I said that! :)

  4. Howdy, I have found your blog from Jill's and I hope you don't mind if I put you under my friends so I can check up on your cute fam. and great photography.
    Jen Chips
